Like other drugstore makeup brands Milani has also jumped on the bandwagon and started doing eyeshadow palettes. I enjoy Milani products and also their single eyeshadow range. So when I saw that they came out with palettes I had to go pick up a couple of them. I have tested and tried them out and now it is time to review for you all. This is a brand new line for Spring 2016 and includes all sorts of different color eyeshadow palettes. Today I will be reviewing Earthy Elements for you all, which I am absolutley in love with.
The packaging with this palette is pretty neat, the six eyeshadows comes housed in a sleek shiny golden palette that has a clear lid. Yes to clear lids because it makes it so much eaiser to pick out your shadows! It also comes with a double ended brush that is not like the regular sponge brushes we get in other palettes so that is a A+ from my side. This eyeshadow palette includes six shadows and retails for $9.99 at drugstore. Now remember you can get them on sale also and don't forget to use coupons. At first I was very surprised to see the price for six shadows, but when I use this palette I understood why. This palette includes mattes and shimmers, so you get both and you can create any look using only this palette. The formula of the eyeshadows is beyond amazing. They are super buttery and soft and very easily blendable. The shimmer shadows go on like a dream and have no fall out also they have great pigmentation with or without eye primer. I am absolutley in love with the matte orange shade in this palette, it is the perfect crease shade for me. Also the bronze shade is beautiful, you can use that all over the eyelid and it creates a pretty look. Over all I give this palette 100/100 and dont mind paying that price tag for such great shadows. Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on this palette. Thank you so much for reading and have a great day.
*All the products were bought by me for personal use and for review*
*pictures were taken by me. Please do not use*