Monday, January 14, 2019

Habits To Implement in 2019

Hello lovelies,
So its the New Year and everyone tries to change them selves or something in their life in the new year. I am one of those people who think that the New Year is a new slate where you can better your life. This year I have decided to create habits that make my life easy, healthier and more productive. These are some of my personal habits that I would like to work on in the new year.

Wake Up Early: This is something that I have been working on in the past month. I just feel like waking up early make me so much more productive and I am a happier person. The days are super long I feel like I can get so much done and spend more time on doing things I love rather than just rushing all the time.
Be Healthy: This is something that I have been working on for a long time. Since becoming a mom I feel like I have just given up on myself. But recently I have been going to the gym and eating healthy. I feel like if I eat healthy, everyone around me eats healthy as well. So its good for me and my family. Being healthy not only is for your body but for your mental health too. I have also been drinking a lot of green smoothies and drinking tons of water.

Keep A Daily Planner: This has made such a difference in my life, this is one of my great habits. I have kept a daily planner for years and it helps me in so many ways. It is so helpful to keep me organized and much more sane. I am always forgetting something, but keeping a daily planner has helped me be more productive and motivated.

Surrounding yourself with nature: One of my major habits to work on this year is to surround myself with nature. Which means less screen time and being more aware of the surroundings near me. So many times (as a blogger) I get caught up in the world of technology. Being on the phone a lot, getting sucked into the social media world. But this year I want to put my phone away and enjoy many other things. Take walks outside (when it gets warmer) or enjoy sitting in my backyard and breathe in the fresh air. I also love keeping fresh flowers in my house, I just love how they make me happy and keeps the house smelling great. Its great for the eyes and the brain.
There are many other habits that I would love to incorporate in my life but these are some that I am working on this year. I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know in the comments below some habits that you would love to work on. Thank you for reading and have a great day.


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