Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Years Resolutions 2019

Hello Lovelies,

Happy New Year! I hope all of you have had a great start to the new year. I seriously can not believe that it is 2019 already. Wow last year flew by very quick, although I had a great year in 2018 I am looking forward to this year. So I have some resolutions that I want to share with you all that I want to achieve this year. These are some personal and blog related resolutions. So lets take a look.

1. Write more: This is something that I have been lacking at a lot recently. I have so many thoughts and ideas but I always forget to write them. This year I want to take my time and write out my thoughts. for that I have acquired my journal and planner. Which I will be keeping with me all the time.

2. Focus on health: Since I have become a mom, my health is something that I have not been focusing on a lot. I have a gym membership I go for like 2 months and than stop going for 4 months. I have noticed that my eating habits are not that either. So this year my health is something that I really want to focus on. More posts to come on this top I am sure.

3. Being in touch: being in touch for me a problem. I am one of those people who forget to answer calls or texts. So this year I want to be in touch with a lot of people that I have lost touch with in the past year.

4. Expand my blog: I am so glad to be back on my blog and I absolutely love it. This year I really want to focus on good content and really put my work into this blog. I want to post more and connect with my readers.

5. Take better pictures: This is something that I have never been that great at. My Instagram has good pictures but they are never like the ones I would want on my page. So for this blog I will be taking out my professional camera and try to take good pictures.

There are more resolutions that I want to focus on this year but these are my top 5 that I would like to work on every day this year. Let me know in the comments below your resolutions for this year. I hope all of you have an amazing day and enjoy the rest of this year.
